Get Adsense Approvals Within 24 Hours

Get Adsense Approvals Within 24 Hours

Hello friends, welcome to all of you in another new post, in which we are going to tell you today.
How can you take approval of ADSENCE. That too easily, first of all, you will not have to buy a top level domain.
Which you people can buy from any website. And then after that you have to connect that domain to your website.
Which you people can do. All this is what you have to add to your website to get approval of AdSense. I tell you people.
Your logo website should be at least 20 days old and your website should have 15 articles, which should also be indexed in Google console.
And your website should also have 4 pages about us contact us privacy policy and disclimer. All these pages should be in your footer and top bar.
And there should also be 4 5 navigation bars. And your website should be user friendly. The desktop should work properly if it opens any user in mobile again. If you do not have user friendly thems, then you can comment us. For free
If you people follow all these things, then you will get the approval of 100 percent Adsence. thankyou

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